Saturday, September 19, 2009

Our new adventures...

We have found a great opportunity for our family! We are buying a postal place in Temecula. It is going to be a great thing for our family. It is called Mail Mart. Its in Temecula and is well established. We are very excited for our new adventure. Billy has many marketing ideas and thinks he will add much success to the store. I will be working there along with my sister. We are offically closing the daycare! The nice thing about this place is I can take my kids if I ever wanted to. It will be different because my mom will be watching them. I am not use to being away from them. So it will take some getting use to. We take over Oct, 1st. Wish us luck :)

Another new adventure...
So I have been training to run a half marathon! This has been my dream for a while and I am going to give it a shot. It's in Vegas on Dec 6th. I am very excited! My friends and I have been running and I am hoping my friend Janelle will do it with me:) My dad took me yesterday and got me new ruinning shoes. Let me tell you, they are the most amazing thing's ever! Never thought I would say that about shoes you run in :) Well I will keep you updated, so far 6 miles is all I got!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Monday

Well another Long Monday came and gone. Monday's always seem to be sooo long! Our day was filled with lots of kids, diapers, fighting, whining, and throw up. (you know the usual) We had a parent bring their kid sick today and he threw up in his crib. As Presley said it was "Discusting" Even though we did not too many kids it sure felt like we had a dozen!! Nobody got along and whined about everyhting! I cant stand whining, it drives me crazy.. My girls did not do well in their bed last night and lost their sticker. I think that set the mood for the day :) Plus their nap was cut short from the weed wacker. They are terrified!! One hour of sleep just aint going to cut it. We had planned to going for our evening run with our friends. We got home about 4:30 and gave the girls a bath. After that they decided they were going to be in that "MOOD". You know when they are running crazy doing and saying everthing they are not suppose to. I quickly decided thet did not deserve to go. So Mommy went to take a time out :) I met at my friends house and we decided to run on dirt trail in the dark. Probably not the greatest idea. We were almost half way through the trail when we ran over a snake! It was the scarest thing ever!! That vision will always be in my head. Poor Janelle actually ran it over with her stroller... After our adventure I felt 10 pounds lighter. Sometimes you need those moments to forget about your crazy life! Although when I got home I felt sad my baby was already in bed and didn't get that mommy and baby time, that I love soo much. I did tuck my girlies in and thought tommorrow is a new day and it's not Monday!!! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Morning..

Ok so I think I am starting to get the hang of this.. The kids are all napping so I figured I would tell you about our day:)
The girls woke me up at 6:45, a little early for a saturday! We just started this suprize box thing. If they stay in their beds they get a small surprize out of their basket. It has worked wonders! It use to take us 2 hours to get them to bed. Past two nights 20 mintues. (Super Nanny does wonders) So anyways they get up early to get their surprize:)

Parker slept in since he (and his Mommy) were up all night.. Think maybe he is getting sick :(

The girls and I ate breakfast and watched Strawberry Shortcake. (Their new favorite show)

Then the day took off! Let me tell you by 11:00 We had watercolored, colored, played babies, read books and played playdough. Messes, messes, messes! Did I mention we were all still in P.J's? It's ok its the weekend:)

They nap at 12:00 and usually sleep for a few hours. Guess I better take a shower before they get up. You all know you can't take a shower with 2 two year olds running the household. Scary thought!

Hello everyone

Well just thought I would try this blogging thing out. With our life so crazy we always have updates and crazy stories to tell:) Our little guys are growing up so fast and thought this way you all can keep updated with our life (in fast forward) :) Keep toon....

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