Monday, October 5, 2009

8 months

My moose is 8 months old! I can't believe how fast the time goes by. He wants to crawl but can't quiet get it. If he see's something he wants he will find a way to get it. He is looking more and more like the girls. Someday's he looks like Payton and some days he looks like Presley. It's funny :) He loves his food!!!

His favorite words are mama, dada, and baba.
He loves to mumble :)

We just had to buy him a new carseat. (a big boy carseat) He outgrew his infant carrier. It was so sad for me to put him in it. I felt like I didn't have a baby anymore. Although he loves his new seat. It is super comfy!

The girls are enjoying being big sister's! They are alot of help, well most of the time... They have been quiet a handfull latley. They are at that age where when you tell them not to do something they do it twice:) It's so frusterating, do you just ignore them? Maybe they won't do it... They have learned alot of "naughty words" as we call them. They think they are hilarous!! I just pray that they don't blurt them out when we are in public :) I tried the soap in the mouth thing. Didn't really work, not to mention I saw a super nanny where she drilled the parents abouth that. Saying that they were putting toxic chemicals in their kids mouth. Pretty much felt like a horrible mommy.
Still working on the whole bedtime thing. They just don't want to sleep. Now that they can open their door. They run out about 5 or 6 times. Laughing of course.
They love not having the daycare kids at my mom's! It's more one on one with my mom. They are still going to school two times a week, and are learning alot.
Billy and I have been really busy with the Mail Mart! We are finally getting it how we want it. Iam feeling more comfortable there everyday. It is alot to learn! We will be hiring my sister and my hair dresser to help out. That will be nice! It's been hard to leave my kids so much. Hopefully when we have more help I can work half days. I just keep telling my self it's for them. One day it will be running itself and I can stay home with them. It's so nice having a place of our own, no boss!!!! I have been training hard for my half marathon! It will be here before you know it. We are going to make it a mini vacation, and are looking very forward to it! My best friend Janelle and her family are going too:) 13.1 miles, I have been saying that in my sleep latley:) I am excited but nervous at the same time...
Desert time is here! We are taking the kids to the desert this weekend. They can't wait! I will post pictures:)

1 comment:

  1. We cant wait to gooooo to Vegas! We need to make those shirts! :)


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